
The Promise

I promise that I will do my best, to be true to myself and develop my beliefs, to serve the King and my community, to help other people and to keep the Guide law.

The Guide Law

  1. A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.
  2. A Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely.
  3. A Guide faces challenge and learns from her experiences.
  4. A Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.
  5. A Guide is polite and considerate.
  6. A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.

Opening song

Look at the world around.
Learn everything you can.
Laugh as you go along.
Love this world of ours.

Look, Learn, Laugh, Love.
Rainbows have begun.
We're all here now.
Come and join the fun.

Closing song

Look at the world around.
Learn everything you can.
Laugh as you go along.
Love this world of ours.

Look, Learn, Laugh, Love.
We've had lots of fun.
Bye bye Rainbows.
Sleep well everyone.